Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009


Beberapa teman meminta saya untuk mempost tulisan awal yang dua jum'at lalu kita diskusikan. Semoga ini bermanfaat bagi teman-teman. Salam dan tetap semangat belajar sambil bermain ya? :-D
Yang bercetak miring semestinya tidak perlu ditulis, tetapi sengaja sy tulis biar kita bisa tahu bagian-bagiannya secara lebih detil.

(An Action Research of the 5th Semester Students of English Department in the Academic Year of 2009/2010)

Ideal Condition
Becoming ideal, as stated in the decree of the minister of national Education, a teacher should have three competencies. The first is professional competence, second pedagogic competence and the third is social competence.
Creating and using media for improving the teaching learning process is one of the competences that a teacher should master in coping the first competence that is professional competence.
Ideally, an English teacher must be able to create his own media to be implemented in his language teaching because media is very important in helping the teacher improve his teaching learning process.
Therefore, the students of English Department must be prepared for improving their competence especially in creating and using media for English Language Teaching.

Students’ Problems and Causes
There are two basic competences that should be mastered in creating multimedia. The first is technical and the second is conceptual. Most of students taking ICT and Multimedia for ELT subject are computer literate. They are technically skillful in operating some computer software.
However, some multimedia created by the students are unsystematic. The construction of materials, the sequence, the frame of works are not well arranged. Those are some conceptual errors in the multimedia created by the students. Some multimedia, even, are constructed unsystematically due to the lack of competences that the students must master. The students’ inability to develop the materials in multimedia systematically has caused incomprehensiveness of the multimedia utilization.
It means that technically they have no considerable problems. However, they do not have systematic concept of the materials to be developed in multimedia. This problem is very crucial and must be solved to improve the quality of the students’ projects.
The Proposed Solution and Rationale
The solution to this problem is by implementing storyboard in creating multimedia because it can guide the students to create their projects. The storyboard is a list of chronological events as the means of converting abstract idea into the realistic events. It is assumed to be applicable for creating linear and interactive multimedia. Therefore storyboard is supposed to solve the problems of the students in creating multimedia.

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