Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

The Assignment for Desember, 6, 2011

Click this link or this link or this link and answer the following questions:
1.How to install this software?
2.In what kind of activity can you use this software for Engish Language Teaching?
3.How to convert text to speech?
4.How to save the file in audio file?
5.What are the weaknesses of this software?
6.How to anticipate the weaknesses of this software?
7.Explain the use of every menu in this software!

After finishing the task, please send your task to : tugasictmultimedia@gmail.com

Send the message before Tuesday, 6 December 2011, 24.00.

5 komentar:

  1. pak koq linknya gak bisa dibuka yaw?

  2. pak linknya tidak bisa dibuka

  3. assalammualikum
    maaf bapak, link tugasnya tidak bisa di download
    ada link lain bapak

  4. pak link nya tidak bisa dibuka, gimana ini??

  5. silahkan buka link alternatifnya.
